
Isaiah 54:1-8
"I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase" I Cor. 3:6. The Lord's means of preaching Christ crucified is through His sons and daughters. The Lord, not men, will going to grow His Church. However, the Lord will use men/women, boys/girls as His instruments of righteousness to accomplish His goal of saving His elect. We need to be prepared and ready at all times to witness for Christ. As we witness for Christ, we must rely upon the Holy Ghost to regenerate the lost to whom we are witnessing.
II Thessalonians 2:13-17
As Paul gets ready to wrap up his second letter to the saints at Thessalonica, he reminds them to hold fast to the traditions of election, effectual calling, and the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is imperative for this generation of believers to understand, embrace, and pass down these traditions to the next generation in order for the church to stay true to it's mission of making disciples of all nations.
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