
II Thessalonians 2:13-17
As Paul gets ready to wrap up his second letter to the saints at Thessalonica, he reminds them to hold fast to the traditions of election, effectual calling, and the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is imperative for this generation of believers to understand, embrace, and pass down these traditions to the next generation in order for the church to stay true to it's mission of making disciples of all nations.
II Thessalonians 2:1-12
When will Jesus Christ come again? We cannot know the day nor the hour when Christ Jesus comes as the glorious King of kings and Lord of lords to destroy once and for all the Devil, Sin and Death, but we do know that two things MUST happen that will precede the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Paul teachers about those two things in today's text.
II Thessalonians 1:1-12
Jesus Christ is coming again! When He comes this time he will come with vengeance. He will recompense every wrong that has been committed against Christians. This truth about His righteous return should encourage the saints to persevere in faith, abound in love, and endure the hardships of following Christ as a good soldier endures hardships in the fight of faith. Take heart dear saint, be encouraged dear solider of the cross, Jesus is coming and He will make right every wrong that has been committed against you and Him.
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